Do you feel lucky? (or how to start a small business)
I knew that creating a startup would be risky. Experts say only 30 percent of small businesses are still going after 10 years. We've been around since 1998, so I guess we won the small-business lottery. If you're already a lottery winner, you can skip this post. If...

Artificial intelligence and the “grandparent scam”
Grandparents can be a soft touch, as senior members of the All Net Connect team can attest. Got grandkids? You're eager to help them. So if they call to say they're in trouble, it's easy to be fooled—especially when scammers us artificial intelligence (AI). You might...

Social engineering (phishing, spear phishing and other cyber scams)
Click the image to read the report. Cyber criminals use "social engineering" to steal data and money and otherwise wreak digital havoc. The engineering is "social" because the bad guys mimic people or institutions we trust. They...

Even in a war zone, scammers gonna scam
Cyber criminals work throughout the world. Even in war zones.

Watch a Super Bowl ad we can relate to
All Net has partnered with CrowdStrike to offer our clients the most effective, next-generation cybersecurity on the market. CrowdStrike's Super Bowl LVII explains it in 30-seconds. (Or watch the extended version!) For the full story, contact All Net Connect.

Creating safety cultures day by day
I ran a crew of electricians who set an extraordinary safety record in a harsh environment. The deepest level of the Homestake gold mine was 8,000 feet underground. Rock temperatures were 136 degrees Fahrenheit. Humidity was 100 percent. Miners couldn't work there, or...

All Net offers next-gen cybersecurity with CrowdStrike Falcon

Don’t let COVID-19 disruptions and distractions put your business at risk
Tired of hearing about COVID-19? Here is a threat you can do something about.

The evolution of modern communications.

Are Smartphones Hazardous for Your Small Business?
Smartphones are not too risky for most small businesses. Viruses don’t spread through smartphones the same way they do through computers. But no technology is perfect.