Cybercriminals use social engineering to exploit human behavior in order to steal data and money, infect networks and take control of victims’ computers. South Dakotans working in businesses, government agencies, school districts and other organizations have fallen prey to cybercrime. We’re all human, so we’re all potential victims. But cybersecurity awareness and regular training can reduce the risk. That’s why All Net Connect emphasizes creating safety cultures. We’ve partnered with KnowBe4 to help you do that. KnowBe4 is the world’s largest security awareness training platform, with more than 50,000 customers worldwide. KnowBe4 programs are effective and affordable, and we can tailor them to fit any size organization..

How KnowBe4 works
Trainings range from the basic essentials to sophisticated compliance training for clients who have to meet complex regulatory requirements. All Net techs will help find the right fit. Here are some of the elements of KnowBe4 programs.
- Baseline testing. Free, simulated phishing attacks assess the phish-prone percentage of your users. Baseline data will later help you measure the effectiveness of your training.
- Training your users. Cybercrime threats are evolving fast. KnowBe4 has the world’s largest library of security awareness training content. It includes interactive modules, videos, games, posters and newsletters. Automated training campaigns have scheduled reminder emails. And the KnowBe4 library is constantly updated with data collected from a worldwide customer network.
- Phishing your users. Best-in-class, fully automated simulated phishing attacks use thousands of templates with unlimited usage and community phishing templates. Continuing training and drills keep your defenses sharp.
- Seeing results. Enterprise-strength reporting, showing stats and graphs for both training and phishing, will show the return on investment of your cyber safety program.
How to get started
It’s easy. Contact All Net Connect. We’ll explain the details. Then we’ll help you design and implement a program, including regular training, to defend against cybercrime.