Bric Browning

When he was 9 years old, growing up in Belle Fourche, S.D., Bric Browning began his love affair with information technology. “I started working on computers with my dad. He would bring them home from work and I would help him with repairs—even helping him with the programs he developed.” Bric went on to earn degrees from Dakota State University in network security and network systems administration. He served an internship at All Net in 2011, then he signed on fulltime, specializing in—of course—security and systems administration.

Bric is an All Net partner now, still obsessed about security. “I keep up with new techniques hackers use and practice them in my own virtual environments, so we know how to defeat them.” He also gives security seminars. Participants learn the latest tricks use, ways to spot the tricks and the best defenses against cyber attacks. Bric and his wife, Kayla, are raising a family in the Black Hills. When he has time, Bric enjoys golf and fishing.

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